Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Exercise: Where does your curiosity take you first?

Diane is putting together a Speaker 1 Sheet and we are building that visual resume.
This exercise is meant only see where the eye wishes to go first. No other design elements, fonts etc. have any bearing on what the actual graphic designer will do.

My design theory is that the reader's eye will be most curious about the design with more pictures - up to a point.

The buyer will look into the eyes and capture the essence of the speaker. The speaker is shown doing the actions that speakers do - there is no wannabe thing going on. The text will support the buyers decision to hire which was made by looking at the action shots.

That's the theory. Single head shots or full body shots are just too common. Show your self in action.
It is that step between a static, single head shot and an expensive, full blown video that will set Diane apart.

Text is in an important and supportive role.

Friday, December 24, 2010

When writing a short message ...

... try not to call attention to the fact that it is a short message. The reader already knows that and it distracts from your noble intention.

In this case she might simply have written:

We appreciate your business. Happy Holidays - or whatever.

You do NOT have to fill up the white space just because it's there.