Sunday, November 16, 2008

Proof and Edit Mark Up

I have offered a free peek at a potential client's business text as an introduction to my services. Rather than spend time editing I would take a screen shot and highlight it in Photoshop. If they saw that they could make a better impression without too much work they might put me to the task. It was the best idea I had at the time. The picture is an example of what it could look like.

One of the problems is not using actual typo markup - which both parties need to know in order for it to be effective. The problem with the pink dots is that they can mean anything and everything. The pink dots require a story to be told verbally or written down. Might as well just do the editing then.

I am pleased to say that I have found a better tool with the MS Word feature called Track Changes. I've used Macs forever and had not thought to look into Word. I only bought it in order to open attachments from PC users. Sometimes it takes a while to get to a new place.

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