Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Case Study: Before and After

Another Case Study.



I'm sending out a brief and simple email to my existing client base
in the hope of getting some conversations started re: 08 business.
I don't want to belabor the thing. ...

Here's what I have:

In the spirit of mutual prosperity,
and planning for 2008,
I'd like to begin a conversation regarding
your web site and other promotion plans for 2008.

As several clients have expressed
an interest in video on their web sites,
we've added video production and editing capability.
We're delighted to have two video projects in the works right now.

Hoping we can help you accomplish
your promotion and information goals,
with the best value in photography,
videography, illustration and
graphic design for either print and web,
during 2008.

Any recommended prescriptions, therapies, etc. would be appreciated.


And here's what I sent him ....



In the spirit of planning and mutual prosperity for 2008, I'd like to begin a conversation with you regarding your web site and other promotional plans.

As several clients have expressed an interest in video on their web sites, we've added video production and editing capability. We're delighted to have two video projects in the works right now.

I'm hoping we can help you accomplish your promotion and information goals, with the best value in photography, videography, illustration and graphic design for either print and web, during this new year.

Call me when you get a minute. I'd like to see you again. We'll have coffee.


Generally the client was pleased with this until the subject of
Timing Your Offers came up. However, he didn't get an immediate response. Part of the equation has to do with the level of relationship with his existing client base.

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